Spine Integration gives more freedom to artists and brings art to live.
Anisotropy effect gives props more details.
Character Lobby Shading using URP.
[webm version - (Art Arrangement by Jonny Huang)](https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/095c8f97-5b5d-441b-82fc-9495f12cc991/hydra-lobby-20210525.webm)
webm version - (Art Arrangement by Jonny Huang)
Using Particles and RenderTexture to achieve.
Proposed a solution for animation-to-texture conversion and wrote custom shaders to do texture-based animations, based on Unity's GPU Instancing mechanics on static meshes.
252 different character, same animation with various offsets, shadows, 1.8 ms, 51 drawcalls.
252 different character, same animation with various offsets, shadows, 1.8 ms, 51 drawcalls.
Built a Partial Shaky Rig module for artists to make shaking simulation on hairs, cloaks with turning characters around.
Custom Render Pipeline Shading (based on URP) for characters, landscape (Albedo, Normal, Metallic, Occlusion), two-passes Outline, and post processing (Ambient Occlusion).
Worked on shading and gameplay prototyping (character & camera movements, character following).
verion2 — albedo, normal, metallic, outline
verion2 — albedo, normal, metallic, outline
version 1 — Albedo, normal, metallic, occlusion, outline, and AO.
version 2 — Lobby
Character shader focuses on the metal part.
Character shader focuses on the skin part.
Using Albedo, Bump, Specular, Glossiness, Emission & Rim.
WebGL 3D demonstartion with mouse view control (drag/scroll to spin/zoom).
Albedo only for now. Character loading may take a while.
Extend Unity UI Image Component to support desaturation, easier control for devs.
A semi-automatic preparation in Unity for in-game VFXs and served as a testbed for testing purposes on mobile devices.